This is Pure Digitization Feeling


Finca plus fast Internet, this is my situation right now, which I chose to continue writing on part 2 of the Digital Transformation Toolbox book series. I settled in the middle of some mountains of the Spanish island Mallorca. The place is romanticĀ and inspiring, and it is high-tech at the same time. All I need, operationally, is fast, seamless access to the internet. No problem, even in a remote place like this.

The huge advantage is: The place makes me thinking. As a result, I made up my mind and gave part 2 a slightly different spin. Earlier, I planned to include a chapter on workstyle analysis. Screening the Digital Transformation Toolbox once more, made me discover that two things are important: Part 2 should feature Focus Interview technique. This is one of the most powerful tools which paves the way for any digital transformation endeavor. It is making scope and priorities clear and helps to reduce transformation risks substantially. Consequently, I gave Focus Interview technique priority over workstyle analysis for Part 2 of this book series. Secondly, part 3 will – most probably – fully dedicated to workstyle analysis. I will introduce alternative methods for workstyle analysis and lay out advantages and disadvantages of them. This allows readers to pick the right instrument with more precision.

So, taking this Finca-high-tech approach has paid back, already. I am fascinated that this kind of working scenario is the new normal which characterizes our new ways of working or even stand for it. They become part of the new workings standards. Times are definitely over, where many types of work are bound to a desk and office infrastracture. ‘Chao’, old economy thinking and attitudes.